Sunday, April 03, 2011

Sublime or Meaningless

It's probably my fault for not having read Deleuze, but given that I have not read Deleuze, I can't make much of this:

"The sensed aspect of intensity double the affect understood as pure capacity: we are back at self-multiplication. And we are back at emergence, because the sensation is the first glimmer of a determinate experience, in the act of registering itself as itself across its own event. A first glimpse of definable self-experience: back at incipient subjectivity. We have looped, taking an affective shortcut across many of the salient problems raised by the question fot eh body's passing power of 'concreteness.'"

-Brian Massumi, Parables of the Virtual, p. 16

As always, I look forward to being enlightened by someone more adept than I am! (Notice the comment feature?)


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